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Saturday, 14 October 2017

How To Achieve Your Goals And Become Successful

Tips On How To Become Successful

Success is the achievements of your desires from "ZERO THOUGHTS TO YOUR HEROIC DREAMS AND ACHIEVEMENTS WHEN IN DESIRE OF IT"........

Many people believe in their very first steps and moments of desire towards achieving something that they will be successful in what ever field of life they will pursing or ever think of;But believe me a step to success is a step challenges that meant burn your spirit(e.g failure,pain,stress,tears,heartbreak etc) before a graceful achievement of your dreams and success..

Some of the steps in becoming successful in life or your are;

-    BELIEVING IN GOD AND PUTTING YOUR DESIRE FOR SUCCESS IN PRAYER:No matter your foundation,religion or tribe,if you don't submit your intentions before God from your very steps,you will miss your goals...believing in God and putting your trust and holding unto him should be your first step.

-   BELIEVE IN YOURSELF: Most successful business men,women etc who you get to see/hear about them today around you,on television channels,radio stations or read about them started from somewhere with a dream of becoming someone tomorrow..they never doubt their dreams or desires...you have to believe in yourself and never underestimate yourself !! LIVE IT KEEP TO IT!!!!

-Always ask questions where and when confused..don't show to know it all nobody is perfect ..learn to ask question when and where lost and take corrections and know how to go about them.

-ACCEPTING TO FACE CHALLENGES IN EVERY STAGE OF YOUR STRUGGLE:When people fail on their first attempts the ignore and run aware believing is "OVER" but today you must learn to face them no matter what ; accept it and learn/fight to over come it and move on....(NO PAIN; NO GAIN)

-YOU HAVE TO PLAN AND CERTAINLY HAVE A CONTINGENCY PLAN:Cos life always take us far off than what we think or see of ourselves of becoming successful..

-You have to accept both the good and bad times and learn from them.

-You need to take advice and think over then to know your next step.

-You have to stand firm on whatever you have to become successful.

-YOU NEED TO RELATE WITH THE RIGHT PEOPLE: Nobody wants to see you succeed in life so you have to relate with the right people who will tell you when,where and how you're to go about it and when,where and how you failed and where,when and how to take corrections and go about it..

-THINK BEFORE YOU TALK AND ACT: Beforoe you act or talk,you'll need to think about it and how it will or may go about your success..BE THE PERFECT MASTERMINDER OF YOUR SUCCESS.

-Be prescribe to yourself.

TIME:Time is another rule of successful people..they plan when,how,where and what to do at a time and what to do ...They always keep to time.(BE THE CLOCK ITSELF AND TIME YOURSELF).

   Success doesn't just work up to someone and say MAN as am assigned to you but instead you assign yourself to success therefore you have to put on the spirit and mind like a soldier on uniform willing and able to face anything;be determined to TAKE IN,RECEIVE AND GIVE OUT,TAKE IN AND LET OUT,BE QUESTIONED AND QUESTION..Be prepared that you will fall somewhere on your way and also be prepared to stand up again stronger and continue to achieve your goal..ignore the spirit and negative thoughts of run away,turning back,saying NO instead of YES have the MINDSET WILLING TO SUCCEED..

Never put your eggs in one basket cos you never can tell of what tomorrow meant bring..

Never trust anyone to do it for you but be willing to do it on your own and accept face life!!!!

  THANK YOU FOR READING AND PLEASE DO REMEMBER TO LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS/REPLIES IN THE COMMENT BOX...Please help me share my blog link to others you know will be interested in.....Check out my next blog on:"WHY SOME PEOPLE FAIL!!"

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                                   Thank  You All




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